I went to the typical high school. Cheerleaders, football players, band group. And it seemed that only those groups ONLY hung out with those groups. I despised that.
I felt that I didn't have a "place". The easiest way I can explain it is this:
If you've ever seen Divergent series and understand the factions, I would probably be a divergent LOL just have a foot in everything.
But as I grew up I've noticed that I still don't really "fit" in. I've leaned towards conforming: not changing who I am completley... but parts of me I noticed were hiding.
I thought that I had to be the same as everyone I was around in order to fit in or to not feel weird.
But I actually that's not true at all.
I'm a huge art nerd. I love learning about movement, lines, and color. Ask me about art and you'll get me going. But I was watching this series on Netflix about art. And this artist built this huge sculptor about weather and so many people were perceiveing it so differently than what it was intended or what it actually was and he said the most profound thing ever.
He said, "you don't have to be the same, in order to share the same space."
All these people were in this huge space trying to figure out what this "thing" was but none of them were the same, none of them had the same thoughts, but they shared the same space. The space in which they were all living, thinking, breathing, wondering. They didn't have to think alike to share that physical space.
There was no competition, no judgement, no fear. Just all there: so different, all sharing the same space. How beautiful.
And so I thought of that for myself: thrive in my difference.
I can be fully me and be in the same place as another person but not feel the tension of conforming. I don't have to change my creativity, my intentioality, my being to be in the same space or to feel "fit in".
And I thought of it more--for our world, as humans. Not everyone is the same race, nor do we all share the same thoughts, habits, or style, but we can share the same space: this earth, a house, a neighborhood, a job, a career, a passion.
There's no pressure to be the same as the person you're sharing a space with.